Collection: Our Mission

At Coastal Harbor Clothing, we believe in the profound connection between our love for the beach and our responsibility to protect our oceans. Our commitment to this mission is more than just words; it's a promise backed by action. We're proud to pledge 1% of all our revenue to the cause of preserving our oceans. In this blog, we explore how this commitment is helping us make a real difference.

 A Tangible Commitment to Ocean Preservation

Our pledge to dedicate 1% of our revenue is more than just a number. It's a tangible commitment that reflects our deep-rooted belief in the importance of preserving our oceans. We're not just another clothing brand; we're a force for positive change. 

Supporting Environmental Initiatives

Through our pledge, we actively support a variety of environmental initiatives that are dedicated to the well-being of our oceans. From beach cleanups to marine conservation programs, our financial contribution plays a crucial role in driving these initiatives forward.

Funding Clean-Up Efforts

Ocean pollution is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The plastic waste that finds its way into our oceans poses a grave threat to marine life and the entire ecosystem. With our pledge, we're able to fund clean-up efforts that remove harmful debris from our coastlines and waterways, making a direct impact on reducing pollution.

Conserving Marine Life

Our oceans are teeming with life, from magnificent whales to delicate coral reefs. We are committed to preserving this biodiversity. By dedicating a portion of our revenue to initiatives that focus on marine life conservation, we contribute to the protection of these beautiful creatures.

Advocating for Sustainable Practices

We understand that real change requires more than just monetary support. We use our voice and resources to advocate for sustainable practices in the fashion industry and beyond. By promoting eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods, we inspire change on a broader scale.

Inspiring Others to Act

Our pledge serves as an inspiration to others to get involved in the mission to protect our oceans. We hope that by taking this step, we encourage fellow businesses and individuals to make their own commitments to the environment.

A Collective Effort

Preserving our oceans is not a task that can be achieved by one entity alone. It requires a collective effort from individuals, businesses, and organizations. By pledging 1% of our revenue, we invite everyone to join us in this shared responsibility.


At Coastal Harbor Clothing, we firmly believe that every small action can make a big difference. Our pledge to commit 1% of all our revenue to preserving oceans is our way of turning our love for the beach into a purpose-driven mission. Through supporting environmental initiatives, funding clean-up efforts, conserving marine life, advocating for sustainability, and inspiring others to act, we are actively contributing to the well-being of our oceans. We invite you to be a part of this mission. When you choose Coastal Harbor Clothing, you're not just buying clothing; you're supporting a cause that's making waves in the fight to protect our oceans for future generations. Together, we can create a brighter, cleaner, and healthier future for our beloved beaches and oceans.